Requirements to vote:
18 years old on or by Election Day.
US Citizen.
Resident of Alabama and the county you reside in for 30 days before Election Day.
Not serving a sentence, probation, or parole as a result of a felony conviction. A list of all disqualifying convictions can be found at: https://www.sos.alabama.gov/sites/default/files/voter-pdfs/Updated%20Version%20of%20Moral%20Turpitude%20Crimes.pdf
Not be declared mentally incompetent by a court.
How do I register?
In the state of Alabama, you can register online or via mail.
To register online, go to https://www.alabamainteractive.org/sos/voter_registration/voterRegistrationWelcome.action
The deadline to register online is 14 days before Election Day.
To register via mail, fill out the State of Alabama Mail-in Voter Registration Form and mail it to your local board of registrars. The form can be found at: www.sos.alabama.gov/Alabama-votes/voter/register-to-vote. Your local board’s address can be found at: http://sos.alabama.gov/alabama-votes/board-of-registrars-all-counties. You can also send your form to the Secretary of State’s office at “Office of the Secretary of State, Elections Division, PO Box 5616, Montgomery, AL 36103”
Your form must be postmarked 14 days before Election Day.
During primary elections, you must declare a political party; in general elections, you may split your ticket and vote for candidates from each party.
If you have legally changed your name or moved to a new address, you must update your voter registration at https://www.alabamainteractive.org/sos/voter_registration/voterRegistrationWelcome.action
The deadline to update your voter registration is 14 days before Election Day.
Can I pre-register?
Alabama does not have any specific policy listed on pre-registration; you should contact your local county clerk’s office for more information.