Requirements to vote:
18 years old by Election Day.
US citizen.
Resident of Connecticut.
Not be convicted of a felony, and if yes, you must have completed confinement and parole.
How do I register?
In the state of Connecticut, you can register online, via mail, or in person.
To register online, use this link: https://voterregistration.ct.gov/OLVR/welcome.do
The deadline to register online is the 5th day before a primary election or the 7th day before a general election.
To register via mail, fill out the form below and mail it to a voter registration agency or the Registrar of Voters. You can find your Registrar of Voters’ address at: https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/SOTS/ElectionServices/lists/ROVListpdf.pdf?la=en
English form: https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/SOTS/ElectionServices/ElectForms/electforms/VoterRegCardEnglish2015pdf.pdf?la=en
Spanish form: https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/SOTS/ElectionServices/ElectForms/electforms/VoterRegCardSpanish2015pdf.pdf?la=en
Your form must be postmarked 5 days before a primary election or 7 days before a general election.
To register in person, go to your Registrar of Voters and fill out the form.
The deadline to register in person is the 5th day before a primary election or the 7th day before a general election.
You can also register in person at your town’s Election Day Registration location. Contact your local Registrar of Voters to find out more.
You do not have to be affiliated with a party to vote. However, you must register with a party if you want to vote on their ballot in a primary election. If you do not pick a party, you will be registered as “unaffiliated.” If you do not wish to choose a party, do not select “Independent” as this refers to a certain party, not an unaffiliated registration.
If you have moved to a new address, you must update your voter information online.
Can I pre-register?
You can pre-register if you are 17 years old and will be 18 by Election Day.