Requirements to vote:
18 years old on or by Election Day.
US citizen.
Resident of Florida and your county.
Not be convicted of a felony. If you have been convicted, you must pay back your financial obligations before being eligible to vote.
Be mentally capable of making decisions.
How do I register?
In the state of Florida, you can register to vote online, via mail, or in person.
To register to vote online, go to https://registertovoteflorida.gov/en/Registration/Index. You must provide your FL driver’s license or FL ID card, issue date of your FL driver’s license or ID card, and the last four digits of your Social Security Number.
The deadline to register is 29 days before a primary or general election.
To register to vote via mail, fill out and mail one of these two forms:
Spanish: https://dos.myflorida.com/media/693758/dsde39_spa.pdfF
The deadline to register is 29 days before a primary or general election. Your form must be postmarked by that date.
To register to vote in person, visit any DMV, county Supervisor of Elections office, local library, tax collector’s office, or voter registration agency
You do not need to be affiliated with a party to vote in a general election. In order to vote in a primary election, you must be a registered member of a party.
Can I pre-register?
You may pre-register at 16 years old if you will be 18 by Election Day.