Requirements to vote:
18 years old on or by Election Day.
US citizen.
Resident of Hawaii.
How do I register?
In the state of Hawaii, you can register to vote online, via mail, in person, or at the polls on Election Day.
To register online, visit https://olvr.hawaii.gov/. You must provide a HI driver’s license or state ID, and your Social Security Number.
The deadline to register online is 30 days prior to an election by 4:30 PM.
To register via mail, fill out this form: https://elections.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/Voter-Registration-and-Permanent-Absentee-Application_Form-Fillable.pdf
Your form must be postmarked 30 days before Election Day.
To register in person, find applications available at the Office of Elections, Clerk’s Offices, State Libraries, U.S. Post Offices, most state offices, and satellite city halls.
To find a local polling place, go to https://olvr.hawaii.gov/altpollingplacesearch.aspx.
You can also register in person at your polling location on Election Day.
You do not have to designate a party affiliation in order to vote in any election.
If you miss the registration deadlines, late registration is available at Early Walk-in Voting locations in your county during:
Primary: July 27-August 6, 2020
General: October 20-October 31, 2020
Can I pre-register?
You can pre-register if you are 16 years old and will be 18 by Election Day.