Requirements to vote:
18 years old on or by Election Day.
US citizen.
Resident of New Hampshire and the town in which you apply. A person who has come to New Hampshire for temporary purposes and intends to return to another state is not considered a resident for voting purposes.
Not be convicted of a felony, and if you have been, you must be past your final discharge.
Not be convicted of bribery or intimidation relating to elections.
Not be found by a court to be legally incompetent to vote.
How do I register?
In the state of New Hampshire, you can register via mail, in person, or at your polling place on Election Day. You cannot register online.
To register via mail, call your town or city clerk in order to receive a form.
The deadline to register via mail depends on when your community’s Supervisors of the Checklist are meeting (between 6 and 13 days before Election Day).
To register in person, you can go to any of the following locations and fill out a registration.
Your town or clerk’s office
Your community’s Supervisors of the Checklist
They meet between 6 and 13 days before Election Day. Check your local newspaper, town website, or call your clerk’s office for date and time of the meeting.
There is no deadline to register in person.
You can also register at your polling location on Election Day.
You do not have to be a registered party member to vote in primary elections.
Can I pre-register?
You must be 18 or older on the day of the next election to register.