Requirements to vote:
18 years old on or by Election Day.
Resident of the county of your registration for 30 days prior to Election Day.
Not be serving a sentence for a felony conviction (including probation or parole). If a prospective voter has previously been convicted of a felony, his/her citizenship rights must be restored.
How do I register?
In the state of North Carolina, you can register via mail, in person, or voter registration drives. You cannot register online.
To register via mail, go to (https://www.ncsbe.gov/Portals/0/FilesP/NCVRRegFormv102013eng.pdf)
The application should be printed, signed, and mailed to the county board of elections in the county where the applicant resides.
Applications are also available in NC State Board of Elections, County Boards of Elections, Public libraries, Public high schools or college admissions offices.
Your form must be postmarked 25 days before Election Day.
To register in person, go to one of the following locations:
North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (NC DMV)
Public Assistance Agencies
Departments of Social Services (DSS)
Departments of Public Health (WIC)
Disability Services Agencies
Vocational Rehabilitation offices
Departments of Services for the Blind
Departments of Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Departments of Mental Health Services
Employment Security Commission (ESC)
The deadline to register in person is 25 days before Election Day.
You do not have to affiliate with a party to vote in any election. However, if you do register with a party, you can only vote on that party’s ballot in the primary election. If you are unaffiliated with any party, you can vote on any party’s primary ballot.
Can I pre-register?
You can pre-register if you are 16 years old and will be 18 by Election Day.