Requirements to vote:
US citizen.
18 years old on or by Election Day.
Resident of South Carolina.
Not be under a court order declaring you mentally incompetent.
Not be confined in any public prison resulting from a conviction of a crime.
Have never been convicted of a felony or offense against the election laws OR if previously convicted, have served the entire sentence, including probation or parole, or have received a pardon for the conviction.
How do I register?
In the state of South Carolina, you can register to vote online, via mail, email, and fax, and in person.
To register online, go to https://info.scvotes.sc.gov/eng/ovr/start.aspx. In order to register online, you need a drivers’ license or South Carolina ID.
The deadline to register online is 30 days before Election Day.
To register via mail, email, or fax, download a voter registration form, complete it, and return it to your county board of voter registration via mail, fax, or email. You can find the form at: https://www.scvotes.org/files/VR_Blank_Form.pdf. You can find your county board at: https://www.scvotes.org/how-register-absentee-voting
Your form must be postmarked 30 days before Election Day.
To register in person, visit your county board of voter registration and register in person.
The deadline to register in person is 30 days before Election Day.
You do not have to register with a party to vote in either a primary or a general election, but you may only vote for one party’s primary on the same day.
If you have legally changed your name or moved to a new address, you must update your information with the DMV. You can do so online at: https://www.scdmvonline.com/SCTRNS/Public/Transactions/Info.aspx
If you are registering for the first time in this county, you must attach a copy of a current valid photo ID or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, or other government documents that show your name and address.
Voters who are age 65 and over, voters with disabilities, members of the U.S. Uniformed Services or Merchant Marines and their families, and U.S. citizens residing outside the U.S. are exempt from this requirement.
Can I pre-register?
You may pre-register if you are 17 years old and will b 18 by the general election.
You may vote in the primary election even if you are still 17, as long as you will be 18 by the general election as long as you are registered to vote at least 30 days prior to the date of the primary.