Executive Director
Abigail Hu
Abigail Hu is a Chinese American from New Orleans, LA. AYCE has helped her gain a clearer understanding of her social, political, and cultural place in the world. She hopes that this organization can inspire AAPI youth to embrace their identities through civic and political pathways. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, debating, and reading with her dog.

Policy Director
Aaryan Rawal
Aaryan is an Indian American from Fairfax County, VA. He is excited about working with other progressive organizations, as we organize to uplift and empower every element of the API community and dismantle white supremacy. In his free time, he loves playing with his dog, Milky!

Finance and Administration Director
Jasmine Chen
Jasmine is a Chinese American from Pleasanton, CA. She is passionate about increasing the role Asian Americans have in politics, social issues, and culture as a whole. She's excited to work with other youth, hopefully inspiring them to follow this mission. In her free time, she enjoys playing cello, eating (a lot, good food = her idea of a good time), spending time with friends.

Civic Engagement Director
Rishi Damarla
Rishi is an Indian Canadian from Windsor, Ontario. Possessing an avid interest in political discourse, he aims to shed light on the critical issues affecting the Asian American community by uplifting the voices of the unheard. Aside from civic engagement, he enjoys spending his time coding, swimming, conducting biomedical research, and debating on his school's MUN team.

Communications Director
Diane Chen
Diane is a Chinese American from Atlanta, GA. As a part of AYCE, she wants to help get youth involved and advocate for equity and inclusion. In her free time, she enjoys hanging out with her friends and her cat.